
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Fascism on the Loose: Blatant Hate Speech and Racism on a Kitty Subreddit

As I was cruising through Reddit two nights ago, I came across a charming video in This is My Life Meow subreddit. I am a cat lady and enjoy subreddit after subreddit of cat and kitty pictures and videos. 

The video was an Asian market and an old man was swirling a little orange and white kitten in a bowl. Both man and cat seemed to be enjoying this play.  Mischievously, I posted the comment: "He's not going to eat the kitten, tho, right?"

A day later, I received a message that I had received a 30 day ban from the subreddit for hate speech and racism. If I persisted, I would be subject to a permanent ban and possibly banned from Reddit.

So here, I did the preliminary research for you on The Google. It is a well known FACT that dog and cat meat are eaten in Asian countries. Only recently have some of these countries started placing controls on this activity due to the rise in the reality of having dogs and cats as pets. It seems that the dogs and cats supply roaming the streets was not enough for eating, and family pets were disappearing, which lead to the need for the crack down by the authorities. The activity of eating cats, dogs, kittens and puppies, still continues. Alas.

You can look up this information as easily as I can, these FACTS, and then decide if what I wrote was hate speech and racist in nature. That's what you used to do in a free world, but the world is no longer a free space--even for cracking mischievous little jokes about innocent kitties and old Chinese guys and their interaction with the one being swirled around in a bowl, in a market, with vegetables, and whatnot, nearby.

Reddit is an interesting place. It is also a fascist, monitored citadel. I have gathered, that it is policed vociferously by young male persons living in basements or other  dwellings taking a break from their computer games to scold, then ban with extreme prejudice, old cat ladies cracking jokes and all manner of others. Free speech has limits (they've been indoctrinated) and they are the ones deciding the limits, policing the limits, and cracking down on those who would defy them.

The whole place is riddled so full of white, American male self loathing, they are caricatures of themselves. They hate everything they are, you are, their parents and grandoarents, your parents, it's deplorable, really. 

I always knew this hate speech stuff was going to go sideways one day. Well, we're in the fascist weeds now.

I feel like I need to just leave Reddit and the kids to their anti-American, anti-old cat lady, nonsense on principle. I do so like the kitty subreddits, tho. It's a dilemma. I probably will leave. 

When people try to silence me (especially for cracking a silly, harmless little comment or rendering my vote inconsequential by stealing an election) I realize I am facing a crazed, indoctrinated, fascist mob that has among other things: stolen a US presidential election. I do not need to keep company with these people--even for the solace of the cute kitty subreddits. 

Monday, July 17, 2017

Madame Crapoud, One Horrible Landlady: Part, The First

She was born dirt poor in the trailer court situated right outside the Lernerville Speedway. Like her mother before her, she eventually trolled the place when she was in her teens, found and was latched on to by an older man who made her pregnant, old, and used up before she was twenty. He left her and the boys in the trailer next to her mom. Having no means and no education, she became a barmaid close to home which allowed her to stay near the thrill of the track and in constant motion surveying the men who might be of some use to her.  Her mother had christened her Antoinette Victoria remembering a beautiful queen of France and frothy pink dresses and glittering sitting rooms from a history class movie she saw in the forties. The Victoria name was placed like a good luck charm on the child with the hope that she would be victorious.  Instead, she was just Vickie--too embarrassed to use the Antoinette name and not wanting to be called Tony--like a boy. Her mother died her dark brown hair platinum when she was 12 because in a drunken weekend she wanted the little girl to "look like an angel" at Christmas time. It was the last time Vickie looked like an angel or acted like one. When she floated into her classroom with the shimmering blond hair, her classmates gasped and not in a good way. Mrs. Thomas, her sixth grade teacher, tried to ignore it, tried to buffer the little girl from the teasing. Finally, she had to issue an edict condemning any comment upon it. Vickie was in the cloak room, removing her winter snow pants, her heavy quilted jacket, and boots. She heard the edict. She realized that no one thought she looked like an angel. She caught sight of herself in the cloak room mirror. Her hair was damaged by the harsh bleach job and like straw. Her clothes looked even more poor, dirty, and used. She smelled like the trailer--and only just recently discovered this when Bobby Miller, the cutest boy in the room walked up behind her and hissed in her ear--you look like a whore and you smell like burning cigarettes. He gave her a shove and moved on. She wasn't altogether sure what a whore was, but she was about to find out throughout the rest of that school year.

Haggard, fat, bleach blond, and possessing a smokers hack--is where the love of her life found her.

Welcome Back, Wanderer

I wandered away from this blog, it looks like, as we were descending down into the morass which was the 2016 United States Presidential Election. I feel like I am done discussing politics all of the time. My colleagues on the Left have continued the descent into madness that is the Russian connection of election tampering. A few have blocked me or blocked their content from me on FB. For this I am thankful to them. I could and may still yet, have something to say about Russian election tampering 2017. However, at the moment, I am not inclined to beat my learned colleagues on the Left over the head with the big stick. I am no fan of the DT era of American politics myself, but I do not have the time nor the patience to go down the rabbit hole of the whole Russia thing. I chase plenty of conspiracy theories down plenty of rabbit holes. I'm just not interested (beyond a meme posting on FB or two or three). If Russia did tamper with US elections, it started long, long, loooooong before 2016, probably around the time of the JFK elections or even further back (just after WWII). Since I already am into the whole JFK thing--I will place the 2016 Election Conspiracy Theories into a file and file it under JFK Assassination Conspiracy and Ongoing Issues. Done and done, for the time being.

Did the Russians tamper with the 2016 Election? I don't know. You don't know. We will never know. Should you waste your valuable time and life source trying to figure it out and bring it to the attention of The People? No. Why? The People do not care. Why do the people not care? There are many reasons why people do not care about a thing. Here is the short list:

1. A thing may be true, but they can do nothing about it.
2. A thing may be true, but they are not social justice warriors.
3. A thing may be true, but that doesn't pay the bills or put food on the table.
4. A thing may be true, but it doesn't and will never make Hillary Clinton the President.
Into Infinity. A thing may be false.

Not a good idea, this time, friends. Just sayin'.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tactical Spinster Thursday:The Long National Election 2016 Nightmare Begins

Over the weekend, Hillary Rodham Clinton (HRC) announced her bid for the presidency. I hope to write many things here on Tactical Spinster Thursday, but I want to get started with what I hope will become my overriding message on this impending national nightmare: do not cast your vote for a vagina in the White House (VWH). This is not the vagina you are looking for.

There, I said it.

I will now list my principle objections to this particular VWH:

Benghazi I have to go right to the top of the list with Benghazi. Long before the American Ambassador, Chris Stevens, was dragged into the streets of Benghazi and murdered like a dog while Barack Obama, the President of the United States, did nothing while huddled under his desk shitting his pants, trying to listen to Valerie Jarret about the best way to cover up his inability to act to save his legacy or whatever, I was for HRC before I was against her. I had many times and publicly during the 2008 campaigns said I would vote for HRC over Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain. I honestly do not know what I was thinking, looking back--but when you have a presidential field so piss poor testosterone-wise and keeping an eye to some kind of experience, you have to look a little farther afield then gender and party. When Benghazi was breaking, my only hope in the whole wretchedly craven mess was HRC. But no, stricken as she looked when the bodies came out draped in the colors, the blood of those murdered there was all over her hands, too. Why? Because it was clear at that moment that Hillary was going to line up with the President and the party while eying her 2016 bid for the presidency and go with the cover-up concocted by the White House about some lame video that the murderers of  the Ambassador and four Americans had never seen. It was clear that this was an orchestrated Islamic terrorist attack on the embassy and you could trot out Susan Rice all you wanted to to repeat the lame story it remains to this day as a cover up and it would not change the truth. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton participated in this while knowing the gravity and the horror of the situation. She knew it was wrong. She could not, however, bring herself to do the right thing. In my estimation, had HRC been POTUS, I believed at that time that she would have done everything in her power to not let that go down the way it did. I do not believe that now, based on what she actually did then. I will never cast my vote for her. I don't care how many vaginas she has on her or with her or in her coterie of minions to run this country. Never.
Bill Clinton  My first real memory of HRC was when she said this, way back in 1992:
I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.
                               Response to reporter's questions (16 March 1992), reported on "Making Hillary an Issue" Nightline (26 March 1992). Quoted in Boston Globe.
 I have to say that I really liked this lady for saying this. It was 1992, she was campaigning around with Bill, she had nice hair and headbands, she was a lawyer herself and had attended a very women centered centered women's liberal arts college. Who among us women centered centered women was not saying this same thing as we made our way in the world? It was good to hear a woman say--well, I'm in it, too and I'm not in it like Jackie O and the Kennedy sisters. That was then and it was ok then, but women have gained much more ground to run on. Unfortunately, that is not the Hillary of today. Too much silence over the indiscretions of her man whom she later said she was not standing by like Tammy Wynette sang and then stood by her man like Tammy Wynette sang.  She then had to go to the next place and say that there was a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy out to get her husband and suddenly I'm nostalgic for Jackie Kennedy and her sisters who it turns out when you look at the mess that is HRC's response to a husband sleeping with every woman and her sister--perhaps discretion is the better part of opening your mouth and concocting a fake conspiracy to answer for Bill. Then HRC is forced to kind of disappear while Bill says nonsensory like It depends on what the meaning of the word is is to answer for the Monica Lewinsky debacle. I guess my point here is that she started out strong as a woman making her way in the world with a useless man and has just devolved downward. She is someone who you sense has been told, Well, Hill, it depends on what the meaning of is is, to the question, "Bill, is Monica Lewinsky another one of your dumb bunny interns on her knees?"  At that point, with her own ambitions cooking in her head she decides to follow along with what Miss Tammy Wynette sang and with what Mrs. Kennedy did: Stand by your man and tell the world you love him. Turns out Miss Tammy had a point if you want to be Madame President in 2016--and that slightly disparaging remark toward Jackie about baking cookies and having teas? Kind of makes HRC look petty towards a woman with class and a sense of her own worth and greatness outside of the work and public life of her husband.
Feminist Icon, Not When I think of the criteria of what makes a woman a feminist icon, I do not believe HRC has any of these qualities or accomplishments. All feminist icons have a vagina, so ok, you got me there, but there it ends. I think in the future, I will be writing about this, so I will let it go at that so you can mull about what may comprise my list of What Makes a Feminist Icon.
Experience, Not so Much Look, being a survivor in her marriage, in the White House, in Washington, most women, if that is all it takes, have that experience. Hillary and women everywhere are survivors and overcomers. Miss Tammy Wynette might say that without Bill, there would be no Hillary 2016.  How does this distinguish her from any other woman? It doesn't really. She has a good education? Many women have good educations. Many women have done great things with a good education and many have done great things without an education. She is smart, savvy, and knows how to play in the Bigs? Again, plenty of other women are these things. She was the first woman SecState? So the party and the Obama Administration gave her a consolation prize befitting her status as the wife of Bill and the heiress apparent of the Presidency after it became clear the powers that be were going with Barack Obama, instead. As SecStat she...?  Yes, she...? See first entry above. Also, couldn't use two communication devices at the same time, set up her own private computer server in the basement of her home (we will get to all this) and did who knows what because she was in her private world where laws, the Constitution, policy of the State Department and such are not applicable to her. Even if all she did was wander the vast expanse of planet earth on the public dime  making "friends" with money who would later be able to support her as President and pledge to work with her blah blah blah how does this put the best interests and national security of this country ahead of her own and that of her political dynasty family?

And also? No one disses Miss Tammy Wynette and Jackie Kennedy and gets to be the President of the United States.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

For Those About to be Triggered: The Gg Condition Early Warning System for The Tactical Spinster Thursdays

Let it not be said that I have no concern for my fellow person. Thus, I have developed the Gg Condition (Gcon for short) Early Warning System for those about to be triggered by reading my words. These will be assessed and deployed on Tactical Spinster Thursday for your safety.

GgCon5  Lowest state of triggering.GgCon5 Lowest state of triggering.
I'm not sure that I am going to keep this particular graphic, as much as my friends on the left feel comforted with unicorns and rainbow shyte. It gets the message across pretty straight forwardly and anyone that sees it will feel free to go ahead and read on as I am about to say something (a) completely out of character for my politics or (b) I am going to reveal parts of my political character that lean Left or (c) I have gone completely around the political commentary bend, Left-wise, causing you to ask (plaintively) Where is Gg and what have you done with her? This probably will not happen that often, but because I cannot rule it out, here it is.

GgCon4  Increased triggering watch and strengthened anti-triggering measuresGgCon4 Increased triggering watch and strengthened anti-triggering measures
I picked this because it is a faerie and sprites sitting in a circle chatting. Perhaps there will be a post that is just that and although about politics, people can sit and read and then feel free to interact with the topic without feeling the threat of Nazism raising its ugly head...
GgCon3  Increase in triggering readiness above that required for normal readinessGgCon3 Increase in triggering readiness above that required for normal readiness
Turn back now if you love me. From here on in, most Leftists will want to just walk away on Tactical Spinster Thursdays. Keeping the door closed (as it were) is probably a good idea.

GgCon2  Next step to triggeringGgCon2 Next step to triggering
You're a grand old flag, you're a high flying flag and forever in peace may you wave. You're the emblem of the land I love, the home of the free and the brave...pretty much says it all about this post designation. And The Constitution.

GgCon1 Triggering  is imminentGgCon1 Triggering is imminent
 CAUTION: This scene is very intense. War, bloodshed, death, destruction. You have been warned. From now on, all such warnings will only be presented with the above flag patch.

In this scene from Blackhawk Down, (no less than one of the very best war films in the number two spot here at The Spinster's Compass after Band of Brothers), Eric Bana stars with the fabulous Tom Sizemore opening our scene. This scene will trigger you, I shit you not and so will the post with this battle flag patch icon attached to it. In other words: do not read the post, do not comment on the post if you read it--and furthermore, do not look at this video.

I hope this has been helpful in maintaining our friendship on Tactical Spinster Thursdays. I think this system works well for true Americans as well. It will help them gauge the greatness of the post by the level of passion with which I write it on the news of the day. That which triggers my friends in The Vast Left Conspiracy will encourage those of us in The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Let us go forth in peace.