
Monday, July 17, 2017

Welcome Back, Wanderer

I wandered away from this blog, it looks like, as we were descending down into the morass which was the 2016 United States Presidential Election. I feel like I am done discussing politics all of the time. My colleagues on the Left have continued the descent into madness that is the Russian connection of election tampering. A few have blocked me or blocked their content from me on FB. For this I am thankful to them. I could and may still yet, have something to say about Russian election tampering 2017. However, at the moment, I am not inclined to beat my learned colleagues on the Left over the head with the big stick. I am no fan of the DT era of American politics myself, but I do not have the time nor the patience to go down the rabbit hole of the whole Russia thing. I chase plenty of conspiracy theories down plenty of rabbit holes. I'm just not interested (beyond a meme posting on FB or two or three). If Russia did tamper with US elections, it started long, long, loooooong before 2016, probably around the time of the JFK elections or even further back (just after WWII). Since I already am into the whole JFK thing--I will place the 2016 Election Conspiracy Theories into a file and file it under JFK Assassination Conspiracy and Ongoing Issues. Done and done, for the time being.

Did the Russians tamper with the 2016 Election? I don't know. You don't know. We will never know. Should you waste your valuable time and life source trying to figure it out and bring it to the attention of The People? No. Why? The People do not care. Why do the people not care? There are many reasons why people do not care about a thing. Here is the short list:

1. A thing may be true, but they can do nothing about it.
2. A thing may be true, but they are not social justice warriors.
3. A thing may be true, but that doesn't pay the bills or put food on the table.
4. A thing may be true, but it doesn't and will never make Hillary Clinton the President.
Into Infinity. A thing may be false.

Not a good idea, this time, friends. Just sayin'.

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