
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Fascism on the Loose: Blatant Hate Speech and Racism on a Kitty Subreddit

As I was cruising through Reddit two nights ago, I came across a charming video in This is My Life Meow subreddit. I am a cat lady and enjoy subreddit after subreddit of cat and kitty pictures and videos. 

The video was an Asian market and an old man was swirling a little orange and white kitten in a bowl. Both man and cat seemed to be enjoying this play.  Mischievously, I posted the comment: "He's not going to eat the kitten, tho, right?"

A day later, I received a message that I had received a 30 day ban from the subreddit for hate speech and racism. If I persisted, I would be subject to a permanent ban and possibly banned from Reddit.

So here, I did the preliminary research for you on The Google. It is a well known FACT that dog and cat meat are eaten in Asian countries. Only recently have some of these countries started placing controls on this activity due to the rise in the reality of having dogs and cats as pets. It seems that the dogs and cats supply roaming the streets was not enough for eating, and family pets were disappearing, which lead to the need for the crack down by the authorities. The activity of eating cats, dogs, kittens and puppies, still continues. Alas.

You can look up this information as easily as I can, these FACTS, and then decide if what I wrote was hate speech and racist in nature. That's what you used to do in a free world, but the world is no longer a free space--even for cracking mischievous little jokes about innocent kitties and old Chinese guys and their interaction with the one being swirled around in a bowl, in a market, with vegetables, and whatnot, nearby.

Reddit is an interesting place. It is also a fascist, monitored citadel. I have gathered, that it is policed vociferously by young male persons living in basements or other  dwellings taking a break from their computer games to scold, then ban with extreme prejudice, old cat ladies cracking jokes and all manner of others. Free speech has limits (they've been indoctrinated) and they are the ones deciding the limits, policing the limits, and cracking down on those who would defy them.

The whole place is riddled so full of white, American male self loathing, they are caricatures of themselves. They hate everything they are, you are, their parents and grandoarents, your parents, it's deplorable, really. 

I always knew this hate speech stuff was going to go sideways one day. Well, we're in the fascist weeds now.

I feel like I need to just leave Reddit and the kids to their anti-American, anti-old cat lady, nonsense on principle. I do so like the kitty subreddits, tho. It's a dilemma. I probably will leave. 

When people try to silence me (especially for cracking a silly, harmless little comment or rendering my vote inconsequential by stealing an election) I realize I am facing a crazed, indoctrinated, fascist mob that has among other things: stolen a US presidential election. I do not need to keep company with these people--even for the solace of the cute kitty subreddits. 

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